Thursday, September 06, 2007

My Heart is Melting

Chloe has been asking me to "Check up" on her in preschool. Tuesday, I told her I would and then promptly forgot. Boy, did she remind me that evening!

Today, I wrote it on my calendar to be sure not to forget to stop by and see her in preschool. I arrived around 10 AM and just watched her from a distance for awhile. She was in the "Art Room" with two other children. The rest of the kids were in the main room.

Staff encouraged me to go in, so I walked up to Chloe and she had this disappointed look on her face. She asked, "Why are you taking me away?". I told her that I wasn't here to take her home, but rather to just check on her like I promised. She gave me a big smile and a hug and exclaimed "Mommy, you are getting bigger!" (Just what I wanted to hear) I think she meant it as a compliment.

I fastened her shoe and she ran off into the other room, leaving me behind with one of her teachers. Mrs. White turned to me and expressed what an adorable child she thought Chloe was. Of course, I took it to mean that my child was the most adorable child in the world. She then mentioned that Chloe nearly brought her to tears when she told her the story of her mommy and daddy going to China to get her when she was a little baby. Chloe has such a sweetness and she is so proud of her story and sharing it, that it just melts my heart.


Somewhere In The Sun said...

That's such a sweet story..thanks for sharing it!

RamblingMother said...

Maybe she meant you are getting better, not bigger.


Lauren and Ed said...

Great story. It is wonderful to hear how proud she is to be from China and to have such loving parents!