Sunday, July 27, 2008

Silly Lantern Top

I am beginning to notice a very interesting phenomenon with the girls. Whenever they try on a new article of clothing that I make for them, their behavior changes to the mood of the item. In the previous post, Pearl was so demure and calm in her new Princess Dress.

Today I had Chloe try on a new top I made her. It has two rows of ruffles and is fun to twirl around it. Once Chloe had the new top on, she couldn't sit still. She would twirl and dance and bounce and act totally silly. We went outside to take pictures and instead of trying to be a model, this time she just acted crazy. Well, I took pictures anyway, so this post will be a little on the silly side.


Somewhere In The Sun said...

Cute top! I love the fabric. I think the silly pictures are great! Oliva does the same thing. Every time I put a skirt or a dress on her she starts twisting to see if it will twirl!


Mamacita said...

Man! I sure wish I could sew like that! Very cute!

So, I DO actually have a blog that is full of kid pictures, but its password protected. Send me your email to and I will add you to the list.

I DO vent on my blog from time to time. I hope I didn't offend you!

mommy24treasures said...

Silly pics are fun:)
Great job on the top.