Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Little Princess

Pearl was so excited to finally have her princess dress. She picked out the fabric and Mom put it together for her. She is normally rambunctious and over-active, but wearing this dress, she acted reserved and demure. Hmmmmmmmn, maybe I should have her wear it more often.


Donna said...

So pretty!



Somewhere In The Sun said...

Oh that's sweet that she actually changed her behavior to match the princess dress! She looks very beautiful in it. I love the dark haired princess.


Anonymous said...

I remember following your journey to china. The girls are B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!!
I am mommy to a QT 4 also. John jr!
check out how big he got!
warm regards,
Carol franco

mommy24treasures said...

oh its so pretty, and I Can tell she is acting so calm:)