Monday, February 26, 2007

Elephant Seal Watching

Chloe delights in meeting a squirrel.

Also on President's Day, we decided to go see the Elephant Seal colony (mostly as a birthday present for Mom). Elephant seals were hunted to near extinction in the early 1900s and now their numbers have almost returned to their pre-hunt numbers. At one point, the only Elephant Seals in the world were located on a small island off the coast of Baja California. Now they have several beach locations along the coast of California with the most famous location being just north of San Simeon.

Despite the cold biting wind, the place was packed with onlookers and the girls really enjoyed watching the seals and the babies. As soon as we arrived at the first lookout point, two large males began fighting over the females. It was quite spectacular to watch. Their backs were scarred with remnants of many previous conflicts.

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