This past weekend we stayed home once again. We were anxious to get out of the house by Sunday, so we decided to visit the local zoo, known as CALM which stands for "California Area Living Museum". It gets very hot around this time of year, so we decided to get there as soon as they opened. This zoo houses animals, mostly California natives, that have either been injured and cannot be returned to the wild, or that are too tame to survive in the wild. It also has an abundance of native plantlife and there were a lot of different purple-flowered bushes in bloom.
We saw bobcats, bears, coatis, raccoons, minks, turtles, foxes, a bear, and lots of birds of prey--owls, eagles, & hawks. I think we enjoyed the roadrunner the most as he was exhibiting a lot of strange mating-type behaviors. He was wagging his big long tail just like a dog. When the caretaker entered the pen, the roadrunner followed him around until he put out his arm and the roadrunner hopped on and fluffed up his feathers.
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